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Phone Hours:
Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5pm EST
Sat 4pm -

8221 Glades Road Suite # 10
Boca Raton, FL, 33434 
U. S. 561.483.9036


Eagle Sunrise Band: The Ultimate Eagles Tribute @ Boca Black Box

Eagle Sunrise Band: The Ultimate Eagles Tribute @ Boca Black Box
Welcome to the most genuine Eagles sound you will ever find. The Eagle Sunrise Band began as a quest to take on one of the greatest American Bands of all time, The Eagles. Fans of their classic American Rock sound can reminisce with every note of each song as The Eagle Sunrise Band pays tribute to their music with the most authentic Eagles sound being played today. With every harmony meticulously rehearsed, every lick of the guitar, and every beat to precision, you will no doubt feel like you are front and center at an EAGLES concert.
With five number-one singles and six number-one albums, six Grammy Awards and five American Music Awards, the Eagles were one of the most successful musical acts of the 1970s in North America. Eagle Sunrise Band has captured this great American Band sound like never before.

Eagle Sunrise band is a multi-act tribute band that has been electrifying audiences across the country with the sounds matched only by the original artists themselves. With a stage full of award-winning musicians gathered from around the south, Eagle Sunrise Band has become one of the most sought after acts in the world of tribute bands. 

They began touring the country as an Eagles Tribute act in 2018, showcasing the soaring vocals and harmonies of Glen Frey and Don Henley along with big guitar melodies of Joe Walsh and Don Felder with precision. Eagle Sunrise specializes in authenticity, delivering exactly what you would expect from an Eagles concert. With their attention to detail and commitment to excellence, they will transport you back to a time when music was at its finest. 
Boca Black Box Center for the Arts
8221 Glades Road #10 Boca Raton, FL 33434
Phone: 561.483.9036 / Fax: 561.451.2456
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