Comedian Diane Ford
Diane Ford, a veteran of over l00 notional television shows, has appeared on three HBO specials. She has been nominated eleven years in a row for Comedienne of the Year by the American Comedy Awards. Her own show, "Diane Ford's Cosmopolitan Comedy" completed a successful three month run of the Desert Inn in Las Vegas. It also played at Cesar’s Lake Tahoe and in Atlantic City.
Diane has played the Edinborough Festival in Scotland where she received the Critic's Choice Award. The Scotland Guardian says, "She is the voice of experience, relaxed, sophisticated, and able to celebrate the futility of life and love without having anything to prove.
"Her writing credits include an episode of "Home lmprovement" co-written with Tim Allen. In fact, when asked by Bon Appetit magazine which three comedians he would invite to a dinner, Tim replied, "...The third would have to be a woman who wouldn't be afraid to tell us if we were being full of it, and it would be one of my contemporaries. I'd choose Diane Ford, who is a very funny comedienne."
Now you can see her LIVE inside THE BOX!
Diane has played the Edinborough Festival in Scotland where she received the Critic's Choice Award. The Scotland Guardian says, "She is the voice of experience, relaxed, sophisticated, and able to celebrate the futility of life and love without having anything to prove.
"Her writing credits include an episode of "Home lmprovement" co-written with Tim Allen. In fact, when asked by Bon Appetit magazine which three comedians he would invite to a dinner, Tim replied, "...The third would have to be a woman who wouldn't be afraid to tell us if we were being full of it, and it would be one of my contemporaries. I'd choose Diane Ford, who is a very funny comedienne."
Now you can see her LIVE inside THE BOX!