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Phone Hours:
Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5pm EST
Sat 4pm -

8221 Glades Road Suite # 10
Boca Raton, FL, 33434 
U. S. 561.483.9036


"Take it Easy": The Eagles Tribute with Here Comes The Sun @ Boca Black Box

HERE COMES THE SUN is an extraordinary musical celebration of a decade of Eagles music. Not an impersonation act, this five-person band of multi- instrumentalist/vocalists from Broadway, Lincoln Center, and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra create a fresh, vibrant, and one-of-a-kind concert experience that celebrates ten years of music from the Five talented musicians. Singing “Take It Easy” to “Hotel California” and “Tequila Sunrise” to “Life In the Fast Lane” this group is authentic as they come! HERE COMES THE SUN recreates this deeply-layered and multi-textured creative period using the combined efforts of five players switching between various instruments in a modern rock-and-roll experience!
Boca Black Box Center for the Arts
8221 Glades Road #10 Boca Raton, FL 33434
Phone: 561.483.9036 / Fax: 561.451.2456
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