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Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5pm EST
Sat 4pm -

8221 Glades Road Suite # 10
Boca Raton, FL, 33434 
U. S. 561.483.9036


Peter Baron's Tribute to Peter Frampton @ Boca Black Box

Peter Baron's Tribute to Peter Frampton @ Boca Black Box
Peter Baron’s Tribute to Peter Frampton.  Peter Baron first met Peter Frampton when Frampton opened for Leslie West's Mountain. At the time Baron was 17, still in high school and playing 2nd guitar with Leslie West.  Overnight he went from playing church dances to stadiums. After the first leg of the tour was over, Frampton came to a rehearsal Baron was doing with his own band at Columbia/Windfall Records. Frampton was impressed and asked Baron to play guitar with him . The timing wasn’t right but their friendship was born.

Over the years Peter Baron established his own varied solo career with 5 albums released on various record labels along with  touring and composing for TV shows. Peter Baron has also toured/recorded with Joe Lynn Turner of Rainbow/Deep Purple, Mountain drummer Corky Laing etc etc... Baron started this tribute with Frampton’s bass player of 32 years, the late John Regan.  John Regan's last recordings playing on Frampton songs  with Baron are featured at and are  engineered/produced by "Frampton Comes Alive" recording engineer Frankie Daugusta.
Boca Black Box Center for the Arts
8221 Glades Road #10 Boca Raton, FL 33434
Phone: 561.483.9036 / Fax: 561.451.2456
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